Sonix sonic vibration machine alkalizes blood, drains the lymphatic system, stimulates muscle fibers and synovial fluid in joints.
Sonix Whole Body Vibration machines use advanced sonic science to deliver precise waves of infrasound and super-low frequencies to the entire body via electromagnetic technology. The principle of sonic vibration makes Sonix units the world’s first devices optimized for vertical vibration motion,
Sonic Wave vibration technology makes highly effective exercises available without burdening joints or ligaments. It can be easily developed and utilized from children to seniors, by the healthy or those with limited mobility, and for the benefit of deconditioned and super athletes alike.
Defined sonic wave exercises stimulate fine muscle as well as large muscles, including muscle groups and body areas that are not easily exercised in traditional programs for fast stretching and recovery from muscle fatigue. Sonic Wave therapy can stimulate the facial muscles, bone and tissue cells, as well as the whole body to provide the most unique and thorough workout you’ve ever experienced.
While on the Sonix flex and tense muscles in various isometric contractions. The stimulation of the fast twitch muscle response is the natural process of the Sonix using the weight of the cell in gravity. To get faster results from your 10 minute Sonic workout, flex and hold different muscle contractions.
Also, Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, when you have all of your 100 trillion cells in motion, they are screaming for Oxygen to help burn the large number of calories being spent. Be sure and breathe deeply. Another consideration would be the addition of an oxygen concentrator for an incredible EWAT experience.
Yes it is recommended that you take off your shoes before using the Sonix. Shoes can absorb some of the good vibrations from going through your body. By removing your shoes you will also be in a more natural position. To get the best results from you Sonix experience you should be barefoot or wearing a pair of socks.
While on the Sonix, hold your most perfect posture. Shoulders back, head up looking forward, breathing deeply. Standing tall places your body posture in a neutral weight distribution position for the best overall affect.
This issue has been researched and tested over the last 10 years. Incoherent EMF is made up of thousands of random frequencies (Like microwaves, and wireless phones ). Those are not so good...... A sound wave, a single tone, or a sound in its self, is a coherent frequency. Our Sonix emits a single wave form that is Coherent. Other forms of electrical equipment have Incoherent random waves that can affect the electromagnetic sensitive people.